The International Walk To School event at Maurice Hawk on October 4th was a big success. It was something to see- 850 students walking in the streets around Hawk on a beautiful October day. Barry Keppard of the Greater Mercer Transportation Management Association did much of the planning for the event, with the help of WWBPA Vice-President, Susan Conlon.

Kudos to Barry and his staff at the GMTMA. And certainly many thanks to Principal Denise Mengani, who can be seen talking to Hawk students before the walk and also posing with Barry below.

Many thanks also to WWBPA Trustees, Alison Miller, Janet Greenman, Daryl McMillan, and WWBPA member, Kathy Stratton for volunteering on the day of the event. Please see Susan's previous blog entry for a link to the Trenton Times article on the Event. We hope to include more of West Windsor's schools for next year's International Walk to School Day.
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