National Bike Month- Week 2
Total for month so far: 1169 miles
Well, week 2 had much better weather than week 1, which was great since this week was National Bike Week and Friday was actually National Bike Day. The WWBPA had an information table at the train station on Wednesday where we met many new bike commuters, many of whom bike to and from Princeton. Total mileage for week 2 was 515 miles (Week 1 was revised to 526 miles with additional reports- see earlier post). Please send in your report for week 2 if you haven't. This week, we're highlighting 2nd Vice-President Ken Carlson, who was happy to be able to bike all five days during the week.
Reports from Week 2:
Ken Carlson (WWBPA Trustee): It was my first week this year of biking to work every day of the week. 90 miles in all for the week. Since January 1st, I have bike commuted to work 50% of the time, and I'm hoping to get that to 75% by year's end. I feel fortunate to be able to bike commute to work, and I find I am happiest when I don't have to drive my car! My 18 mile round trip biking route to my job in Cranbury is for the most part, fairly safe and in places very pleasant. Click on this link to see my route:
Whit Anderson (WWBPA Member): Whit, Mr. Consistent biked 50 miles for the week, biking every day on his 10 mile round trip.
Silvia Ascarelli (WWBPA Trustee): "Just two roundtrips to the train station (six miles) this week -- was put off by the threat of rain on a third day.
For those who also watch the weather when deciding whether to ride to the station, please fill out the WWBPA's online survey: (
We are working with New Jersey Transit to add more racks and lockers but also are exploring whether sheltering some racks with a roof would encourage more riding. Let us know your thoughts!"
Jessica and Deniz Dagci (WWBPA Friends): 64 miles (32 miles each). The Dagci's live on Washington Road in WW and commute by bike four days a week to Princeton (6 miles roundtrip), plus once a week an 8 mile trip to the grocery store.
Bill Garrett (WWBPA Friend): 103 miles for the week (16 mile round trip to Mathematica).
Matt Martin (WWBPA Member): "I have a grand total of 15 miles for the week- happy National Bike Day" (three days of commuting). "My daily bike commute is shorter these days due to the fact that we moved to a house closer to the Princeton Junction train station (where I then take the train to Jersey City). I now have a daily bike commute of just 4 miles round trip. Also, I was glad to recently get one of those great bike lockers at the train station, which makes the biking experience even more enjoyable"
Joe Monzo (new WWBPA Friend): 72 miles- 1 long roundtrip ride between his work in South Brunswick and his home in Columbus. Ken C met Joe on 5/19 while we were both commuting along Southfield Road. Joe gets the prize for the longest bike commute!
Daryl McMillan (WWBPA Trustee): 1.5 days of commuting for 15 miles.
Paul Shapiro (WWBPA member): 64 miles. Two days of bike commuting. Paul lives in West Windsor and works in Philadelphia and several days a week parks at Cornwalis Heights off of Rt 95 and bikes 16 miles to work.
Ben Tufford (WWBPA Friend): Biked two days totaling 88 miles.
Jeanne Weinman (WWBPA Friend): 12 miles in 2 days of commuting
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