Saturday, May 30, 2009

Week Four and Totals for National Bike Month

Well, National Bike Month is over. Thanks to everyone who participated in our bicycling challenge. Grand Total for the Month of May: 2,466 miles! That's considerably more than last year. Way to go everyone! If the average car gets 25 mpg, that's 98.6 gallons of gasoline not burned, and the equivalent to saving roughly 1873 pounds of CO2 from being released into the atmosphere due to car commuting! Even though National Bike Month is over, don't lose momentum- keep on pedaling!!

Here's the details from Week Four: It was a little on the wet side, but as it turned out most of the days were bikeable:

Total miles for the week: 479

Whit Anderson (WWBPA Member): 40 miles for the week

Silvia Ascarelli (WWBPA Trustee): 6 miles in two days going to the train station

Russ Buckley (WWBPA Friend): 13 miles on one commute

Juan Cardenas (WWBPA Member): 12 miles for the week

Ken Carlson (WWBPA Trustee): 33 miles on two commutes

Henry Van Cotter (WWBPA Member): 69 miles. "Took my bike on NJ Transit for the first time last night- Hamilton To Princeton Junction- worked out fine"

Jessica and Deniz Dagci (WWBPA Friends): 64 miles (32 miles each). The Dagci's live on Washington Road in WW and commute by bike four days a week to Princeton (6 miles roundtrip), plus once a week an 8 mile trip to the grocery store. They live car-free. Way to go Dagci's!!

Bruce Ellsworth (WWBPA Member and former Trustee): 21 miles on one round-trip commute

Bill Garrett (WWBPA Member): 81 miles

Chris Scherer (WWBPA Trustee): 40 miles, round trip tot he WWBPA Trustees picnic loaded with 2 six packs of beer!

Ben Tufford (WWBPA Friend): 142 miles on three days of commuting


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