West Windsor Walks

We observed the conditions and collected input for some recommendations for improvements:
Princeton Hightstown Road (Route 571):
• Pedestrian activated signal crossing at intersection of Sherbrooke Dr and Princeton Hightstown Rd.
• Construction of missing sidewalk link in front of Sovereign Bank
• Striping of sidewalk lines on asphalt in front of Gloria Nilson Realtors
• Striping on crosswalk on Cranbury Road at Princeton-Hightstown Rd. (no crosswalk currently exists)
• Equip intersection with functional pedestrian activated traffic signal
Wallace Road:
• Striping crosswalk on Wallace Road at intersection with Princeton-Highstown Road (no crosswalk currently exists). This is a dangerous pedestrian crossing. There should be a no right turn on red for cars on the bridge over the NE Corrisor train tracks heading east
• Improve sidewalk on west side of Wallace Rd from Princeton Hightstown Rd to train station entrance, including the driveway entrance to the school bus parking lot which is in serious disrepair and unsafe for pedestrians
• Fix missing curb-cuts on sidewalk on Wallace Road and at the intersection of Wallace and Princeton-Hightstown Rd.
• Additional lighting along Wallace Rd and at intersection with Princeton-Hightstown Rd.
The next walk in the series will focus on the challenge of crosssing Clarksville Rd to Avalon Watch on Thursday November 9, starting at 6 p.m. at the Village Shoppes on Clarksville Road.
more photos:

pedestrians avoid crossing at the intersection, and take the side with no sidewalk, and then cross Wallace mid-block:

existing sidewalks on Wallace Road in need of repair:

Thanks to everyone who came out on the 10th. We walked the route again on Saturday the 14th with two trustees of the Alliance, two members of Town Council, and two concerned residents. Certainly the conditions for the walk were a lot less dangerous on a Saturday afternoon than on a weekday during rushhour. But it was still very clear that this commuting route is far from ideal, particularly the dangerous intersection of Princeton-Hightstown Road with Wallace/Cranury Rd. and the unsafe pedestrian crosswalk at Sherbrooke Drive and Princeton-Hightstown Road. It's important that we work together to find a solution to fill these gaps in these highly traveled pedestrian routes in our town.
Ken Carlson
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