Trail Building Day Saturday March 24
The West Windsor Bicycle Pedestrian Alliance and Friends of West Windsor Open Space are hosting a trailbuilding day on Saturday March 24th (the rain date is Sunday March 25th). Come out to help build a new trail through beautiful wooded preserved land along the Millstone River on the first weekend of Spring. Meet at 1 p.m. at the Millstone Preserve parking lot located off of Millstone Road and head out to nearby Joanne Street for the location where the trailing-building will start. Kids of all age are welcome. Please bring along:
working gloves
a hat
water to drink
and one or more of the following:
shears or loppers
We are also looking for a few people with chain saws. Please e-mail me if you have a chain saw. Please RSVP if you can to Looking forward to seeing you there! If the weather is questionable, please look for an e-mail announcement or notice here the morning of the 24th.
~ Susan Conlon
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