West Windsor Bicycle & Pedestrian Alliance
New Year of Trail building on the Rogers Preserve

A group of volunteers made a lot of progress today working on existing and new trails at the Rogers Preserve (located off of Clarksville Road with entrances on Landing Lane and Cranbury Rd.). Among the volunteers were Friends of West Windsor Open Space (FOWWOS) Trustee and arborist Ron Slin, FOWWOS and WWBPA Trustee Ken Carlson, WWBPA and FOWWOS member Roger Alig, WWBPA member, Ace Miller, and WWBPA member and Girl Scout leader, Carey Bloom and seven girls from Girl Scout Troop 600.

The group made significant improvements to the existing trail that runs from Cranbury Road to the sidewalk between Sherbrooke Dr. and Landing Lane, including raking the trail, lining the trail with deadfall, and picking up litter. Ron, Ken, Roger, and Ace taught the girl scouts the basics of trailbuilding and then they were off blazing a new trail. The girls developed an awesome trail that connects the first trail we worked on today to the trail that leads to Grovers Mill Pond. Girl Scout Troop 600 has taken on trailbuilding and trail maintenance on the Rogers Preserve Trails this year to earn their Girl Scout Bronze Award.

Hikers can now walk on the Rogers Preserve Trails from Grovers Mill pond to Cranbury Road, cross Cranbury Road (carefully), walk down Stobbe La and Joanne St. down Millstone Road and wind up on the Millstone River Trail. They then can take the Millstone River Trail to its end on Melville Rd, walk down Yeger Road to Cranbury Rd and then on to Clarksville Rd, and back to the Rogers Preserve for a great trail circuit- all in West Windsor!

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