Pedestrian Improvements Needed in Princeton Junction
The West Windsor Bicycle and Pedestrian Alliance sponsored two organized walks in October in Princeton Junction along Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) to examine the difficulties pedestrian commuters encounter when trying to walk to the Princeton Junction Train Station during rush hour. Alliance trustees and members were joined by residents and two members of town council.
A list of specific recommendations were generated from these walks to address the obvious and serious gaps in pedestrian access and safety on the east side of the Train Station. The recommendations focus on the painting of crosswalks where none currently exist (e.g., on Wallace and Cranbury Roads at their intersection with Rt. 571), improving existing crosswalks by the installation of pedestrian-activated crossing signals (e.g., Sherbrooke Drive and Rt. 571), adding segments of sidewalks to complete “missing links”, repairing existing sidewalks in disrepair, and improving lighting. A complete and detailed list of the recommendations is posted on our Web site at
We understand that the mayor, township council members and staff have the difficult challenge of trying to balance cost and timelines for many township projects. We also understand that planned improvements to pedestrian access and safety are coming to the Princeton Junction area with the planned improvements to County Rt. 571 as well as with the proposed Redevelopment of the Princeton Junction Train Station area. However, the timelines for these projects are years away from being realized which leaves these dangerous conditions unremedied for the present. The suggested improvements we have outlined are practical, not overly burdensome financially, and could be implemented in an expedited manner.
We have thus recommended to the West Windsor Township administration that these proposed improvements be reviewed for inclusion in the 2007 Capital Budget, and then implemented as soon as possible to ensure the safety of pedestrians in Princeton Junction.
Ken Carlson
West Windsor Bicycle and Pedestrian Alliance
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