Raking Leaves on the Millstone Trail

Fifteen Energetic West Windsorites came out on a lovely fall day to rake leaves and clear the paths on the Millstone River Preserve Trails. Joining us were Frank Potter, Alison Miller, Helen and Christina Rancan and their friends, Shilesh, Punja, and Rhea, Stacey and Rachel Karp, Roger and Marsha Alig, Mark Shallcross, Andrea Mandel, Andy and Ben Pratt, and their friend Brandon. We made a lot of progress- clearing all the trails on Millstone Preserve East (the trails on the side with the parking lot), and about half of the trails on Millstone Preserve West off of Joanne Street. Thanks to all!! We will need to come back again in a month to remove more pesky leaves. Please feel free to grab a rake when visiting the trails. Happy Trails!!