Sunday, March 09, 2008

WWBPA March Meeting: Thursday 13, 2008

The WWBPA will hold its meets monthly on Thursday March 13 in Room A of the Municipal Building on Clarksville and North Post Roads. Mayor Hsueh will speak at 7:00 p.m. and the regular portion of the meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m.

Community Volunteers Presented with 2008 WWBPA Community Service Awards

The West Windsor Bicycle and Pedestrian Alliance (WWBPA) acknowledged three volunteers for their contributions to the organization's mission of promoting bicycling and walking in West Windsor with a presentation of Community Service Awards at its Annual Meeting on Thursday February 21, 2008.

WWBPA President Ken Carlson presented the first award to Roger Alig for his participation in building recreational trails in the township. Roger has been a dedicated volunteer and leader in developing new trails in the township and has left his stamp on the Millstone River Preserve Trail East (located off of Millstone Road), the Millstone Preserve Trail West (located off of Joanne Street) and the Rogers Preserve Trail (located off of Clarksville Road near Grovers Mill Pond.)

Susan Conlon, WWBPA 2nd Vice President, presented Giuliano Chicco with an award for his work in designing the organization’s Web site and for his continued management of content on the WWBPA Web site,

Chris Scherer, WWBPA 1st Vice President, presented the last award to Ben Tufford, for his important early contributions in developing the first bicycle and pedestrian map of West Windsor Township created by the WWBPA in 2007. Without Ben’s help and expertise, the map would not have been possible. A hard copy map is available free to members, and is available for a suggested $5 contribution to non-members. An online version of the map is available on the WWBPA Web site.
