Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Cranbury Road now has Share the Road signs and a new curb cut!

Last week, the County installed ten Share the Road signs along the entire length of Cranbury Road. This was done at the recommendation of the WWBPA and in cooperation with the Alliance in order to increase the awareness of this road as a major bicycle route in town. The Alliance purchased the signs, and the County installed them. Perfect teamwork

Cranbury Road also has a new curb cut at the crosswalk at Van Nest Park. The Township installed the curb cut at the recommendation of the Alliance.

Zaitz Preserve Trail Walk and Improvements

On the weekend of October 4th/5th, twenty five area residents came out to either walk the beautiful wooded trails of the Zaitz Nature Preserve or to work on trail improvements.

On Saturday, FOWWOS Trustee and naturalist, Kevin Appelget, led a trail walk where he pointed out the flora and fauna indigenous to the Preserve. Plainsboro resident and WWBPA member, Henry Van Cotter, an expert in flora
himself, gave us a wonderful education on the wide variety of mushrooms found in the Preserve.

On Sunday, a team of dedicated trail workers did some trail clearing and built a bridge to somewhere. Under Kevin Appelget's instruction, the team replaced a crude log bridge over an irrigation ditch at the beginning of the trail with a beautiful and very functional plank bridge (there was much hammering late into the afternoon). This new bridge will now open up the trail to many more potential trailwalkers. Enjoy!