Community Bike Ride!!

On Sunday, September 21, about 85 adults and children participated in our second annual community ride. It was a lovely day, and everyone had a great time biking on the Trolley Line Trail, and then through local roads to our ultimate destination, McCaffrey's supermarket. We thank McCaffrey's for generously providing funding for refreshments. The idea for these rides is to encourage people in our community to ride their bikes to local destinations. We also took the opportunity to educate participants about the importance of wearing bicycle helmets and of following the rules of the road.

Our youngest participant was a four year old boy on training wheels, who slowly but very steadily with his patient Dad and two of our WWBPA volunteers, Daryl McMillan and Clive Jenner, made it to McCaffreys. Many thanks to our many volunteers who helped keep our riders safe. A special thanks to the Meersma/Stratton family (Kathy, Steve, Kim, and Brian) who came up with the idea for this ride and who did so much to make it a success!